There’s nothing less sexy to a man than a girl who loves Justin Bieber.  Not saying that I’m a die-hard fan or anything, but when presented with the opportunity to attend the concert for FREE, in a VIP sky box, well…I couldn’t say no.  Enter the free VIP drinks which = ME in a hammered state.  I proceeded to get SO drunk, in fact, that I actually don’t even remember most of the concert.  The last thing I remember is Willow Smith coming out and everyone saying “is that Willow Smith?!”  (She does whip her hair back and forth, FYI.)  Apparently Usher also came out and allegedly, JB played guitar while floating around in a flying heart.  I say “allegedly” because I don’t remember ANY of this.

Even more attractive, I also had to leave my car at the concert venue, taking a $45 cab ride back to my apartment, before passing out in my bed while singing “Baby” to myself.  I woke up at 11AM (2 hours late for work, clearly) and had to call a taxi to take me BACK TO THE CONCERT VENUE, in hopes that my car didn’t get towed.  It didn’t.  I take that as a sign that many people enjoy a good Justin Bieber concert and end up leaving their cars there.  Or not.

Apparently I also texted several of my East Coast friends (again, I’m sorry) and woke up to several texts asking “should they be serving ALCOHOL at a JUSTIN BIEBER concert?”  Apparently not to any 28 year olds, I’ll say that much.
